Trap My$tic Podcast

Podcast have saved my life, they have provided mentorship from people who I would otherwise not have access to. This podcast is a space for us to get interactive, build a relationship and have on going conversation. Trap My$tic was birthed out of many video calls, coffee inquiries and phone calls from people asking how to start a business, find their passion or improve their work ethic. This is a platform for me to answer all your questions and share my journey with y'all. 

Let's Talk!


Trap My$tic. What is it?

April 1st 2017

Trap My$tic is the culmination of magic, community and business. It is that sacred space where alchemy, spiritual healing and life purpose come together. Trap My$tic is meant to honour the everyday knowledge of people living in difficult circumstances yet still able to use their magic and spiritual knowing  to create something out of nothing. The medicine women, hustlers and the women who run panda/susu (which is essentially the Black bank). While many people may have mixed feelings about these people it is undeniable that many of them understand alchemy and manifestation enough so they have kept whole communities alive. 


 2. Your Squad: How to build a winning support network

April 15 2017

Many of us have heard the saying from the African Proverb“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together” yet we still attempt to find success on our own. Living in a capitalist and individualist society plants a false sense of understanding within many of us regrading what one person can do. With the rise of pop culture and celebrity culture we seem to think that one person can drive, navigate and conduct the journey to success. This story of a sole success is fake. If you are interested in true holistic success, where the mind, body, heart and soul are at peace and harmony it is time to pull together a winning support network.  Within the book Think and Grow Rich, Hill stress the importance of a master mind group in which capitalist with various expertise meet and share their knowledge. He also mentions the importance of hiring people to do things well that you can not, as an avenue to saving time and attaining success. In the book The Power of Habit, Duhigg explains how habits are formed and why the social component of Alcoholics Anonymous is crucial to effectively changing habits. As social beings it is crucial we understand the significance of those we surround our self with while on our life path.  


3. Using your  personal Magick Manifestation

April 30 2017

The divine lives in each of us. What ever name you use to connect to your higher power or creator is your personal journey but belief is essential to manifestation. The definition of manifestation is essentially to call into being your desires and intentions for life. Some folks do that via vision boarding, some pray and others simply set goals. All of these methods to manifestation are valid if they embody these core components. 


4. Trauma Blockages that every entrepreneur needs to address. 

June 15 2017

I sincerely believe that most entrepreneurs and artist began their practice as a method to self heal. I started my first business NiaZamar after spending most of my life struggling with beauty and body shame. I had a painful childhood full of abuse, mean children, loss, self hatred, poverty and confusion. My older sister was very beautiful, she won pageants, did photo shoots and was admired for her beauty by many. When she committed suicide at the age of 22 I was 11 and it crushed me. When I started working in community work and salons I realized how many of us were actually living in pain and struggling with self. NiaZamar was my way to help folks on their journey but ultimately it was my way to be their for women like my sister and heal my self. If you are like me something in your past hurt you and you need to heal that energy. Once you are able to free your pain your heart will begin to open more and new opportunities will present them self. This process can be difficult but it is possible.


5. How to take the wheel back when anxiety and fear is driving.

June 30 2017

Once you decide to share your passion with the world you will begin to contend with your ego. Your ego is the space within your self that attempts to protect you. Your ego will protect you in a few ways, it will tell you that your not good enough or that your too good. What I mean by that is, Your ego will have you scrolling through the gram comparing yourself to everyone and anyone who does remotely similar work or it will tell you that your above being a creative and you should keep your 9-5 corporate job. The feelings that come from ego is fear and anxiety often. Mental health is a real struggle for entrepreneurs because we tend to be both insecure and egotistical. Caring for your mental health must become a priority to venture out on your own.  Mental health is a spectrum and can be impacted by both biological and social factors. The stress of enterprise may trigger aspects that had been waiting. Here is my 5 step system for dealing.


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